Video Tutorial: Searching as Exploration
Part 1 introduces students to the mindset of searching as exploration. Students will be able to distinguish between targeted and exploratory search, plus the most effective approaches to each. Part 2 digs deeper into exploratory search strategies. Students will learn how to craft a search statement and the importance of neutral language.
Video: Choosing a Database
Students can use this video to receive guidance on how to select the best database(s) for their information need and assignment requirements.
Quiz: Choosing a Database
This quiz corresponds with the multimedia on choosing databases.
Tutorial: Choosing & Using Keywords
This tutorial will walk students through the process of selecting, refining, and expanding their collection of search keywords in order to locate the most relevant information to their research topic.
Quiz: Choosing and Using Keywords
This quiz corresponds with the multiemdia on keywords.
Tutorial: Search Techniques, Part 1
Use this tutorial to familiarize students with strategic searching. Students will learn the purpose and uses of natural language and Boolean operators to broaden and narrow the scope of their search.
Tutorial: Search Techniques, Part 2
Students will learn strategic search approaches to navigate scholarly databases. Use this tutorial to introduce advanced search techniques for broadening and narrowing the scope of a search.
Video: Refining Search Results
Use this video to help students navigate the search process. Students will learn techniques to conduct effective background research using multiple keywords in order to narrow in on a research focus.
Quiz: Search Techniques
This quiz corresponds with the multimedia on searching techniques.